Friday, April 1, 2011

'Poco-poco' dance outlawed in Malaysia


A top Islamic official in a Malaysian state has outlawed a popular line dance, called the "poco-poco", claiming that it contained cult practices and elements of "Christian rituals" unacceptable to Muslims.

A top Islamic official in a Malaysian state has outlawed a popular line dance, called the poco-poco, claiming that it contained cult practices and elements of Christian rituals unacceptable to Muslims.


In Malaysia, many adults practise the dance, which is considered a recreational activity to keep fit Photo: AFP

Harussani Zakaria, mufti of the northern state of Perak, said the dance
violated Islamic law.

"The poco-poco dance is actually a cult dance," he said. "Our
research indicates that the dance really originates from Jamaica and there
are many Christian rituals to it as the moves reflect the making of a cross
and so is unacceptable in Islam," he added.

"The dance is also practised in the Philippines and parts of Indonesia
which have a Christian majority and so the dances have many Christian
influences, which clash with Islam," he said

In Malaysia,
many adults practise the dance, which is considered a recreational activity
to keep fit.

The origin of the "poco-poco" dance is believed to have originated
in Indonesia more than 20 years ago to accompany a song of the same name.

It is also a Jamaican word which relates to a wild dance under the possession
of spirits.

2008, Malaysia's highest Islamic body, the National Fatwa Council, banned
for Muslims, saying it could erode their faith.

But the decision triggered uproar from moderate Muslims, prompting then Prime
Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to wade into the row, saying Muslims could do
yoga as long as it had no Hindu spiritual elements.

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