Friday, April 1, 2011

Ed Miliband, the PM and a stag do


Cameron sources say Labour leader Ed Miliband’s runny-nosed media advisor Tom Baldwin attended the epic 2005 stag party of Tory Culture Minister Ed Vaizey – hence, perhaps, soon-to-be-married Miliband’s snide Commons remark to the PM this week about taking his advice on pre-nuptial parties. It’s said Cameron, then a candidate for the  Tory leadership, left Vaizey’s do in high dudgeon after accusing some guests of exposing him to scandal by snorting cocaine, aka ‘Bolivian Marching Powder’. There’s no suggestion Cameron’s nose has sniffed anything more uplifting than a snowdrop.

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s 80th birthday in London this week was a curious affair. Who has a birthday party at the Albert Hall? Does Gorbachev, pictured with Sharon Stone, actually know guests such as ‘Sporty Spice’ Mel C and former Neighbours actress Holly Valance? It’s sad the man who dismantled the Soviet Union and helped to end  the Cold War is now the plaything of showbiz twerps.

Opportunistic French president Nicolas Sarkozy – now busy trying to sell new nuclear reactors to the grieving Japanese – has become a ‘nuisance’ telephone caller to No 10, I am advised. (Cameron admitted they talked ‘frequently’ in his press conference last night.) ‘He has been calling Cameron on his mobile up to 15 times a day,’ says my source. ‘A decision has been taken to ration the number of times he is put through.’ While not chumming up to Cameron, Sarkozy downgrades British and U.S. efforts in Libya, according to Le Canard. The Paris paper says he derided the U.S. and UK for merely ‘sending some Tomahawk missiles’! 

Product placement: Kay Burley gives Waterford Crystal a large plug in her new book - except it went into receivership in 2009


Product placement: Kay Burley gives Waterford Crystal a large plug in her new book - except it went into receivership in 2009

Sky presenter Kay Burley’s soon-to-be-published debut novel, First Ladies, features randy prime minister Julian Jenson, knocking over a ‘Waterford Crystal’ jug as he hurriedly clears a desktop on which to ravish TV reporter Isla McGovern. Ms McGovern – modelled on the delectable authoress? – pours champagne from a ‘Waterford Crystal’ flute ‘onto the most eager parts of his anatomy’. Waterford Glass’s owner Tony O’Reilly would have been glad of Kay’s product placement before the company went into receivership in 2009.

Her first state visit to Ireland looming, The Queen will be delighted to hear that senior civil servants there continue to enjoy an annual ‘King’s Birthday’ holiday, after the Irish government’s attempt to end the practice failed. The ‘King’s Birthday’ and ‘Empire Day’ date back to British rule and are taken at Easter and Christmas. Perhaps the idle wretches will add a new one – Elizabeth’s Day – after her visit.

Beneden-educated quango queen Dame Liz Forgan, 66, chair of Arts Council England, says the budget cuts are all about ‘a resilient future for the arts in England’ – a choice piece of Orwellian doublespeak. How did this absurd Left-Wing sacred cow and Guardian boss survive unscathed?


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