China Offers Support to Japan, Plays Down Quake Impact at Home
China’s government, quick to offer its assistance to Japan after Friday’s devastating earthquake despite the two nations’ sometimes rocky relations, continued on Monday to emphasize its desire to help its neighbor. At the end of his annual news conference—a two-hour-and-forty-minute affair at which none of the selected questioners asked about the earthquake–Premier Wen Jiabao told Japanese reporters in the room that he had a message (in Chinese):
Three days ago, Japan suffered an enormous earthquake disaster of the sort rarely seen in history, causing great loss of life and property for the Japanese people. I want to take this opportunity to express deep condolences for the Japanese who lost their lives in this tragedy, to express sincere sympathy for all Japanese people. China is also a country with many earthquakes, and we share your feelings. When the huge earthquake hit Wenchuan, Japan’s government sent a rescue team, and gave China material support. Our rescue team arrived in Japan yesterday, and we are transporting relief materials to Japan. We are ready to continue to provide needed assistance according to Japan’s requirements. Please convey this.
Shortly after Mr. Wen spoke, the state-run Xinhua new agency quoted China’s Ministry of Commerce as saying Beijing planned to provide roughly $4.6 million in humanitarian assistance to support disaster relief efforts in Japan. The report noted that a 15-member Chinese rescue team had arrived in Japan on Sunday and said an initial shipment of blankets, tents, emergency lights and other relief materials will be sent to Japan from Shanghai. A team of 30 doctors, nurses and radiation control experts has also been assembled and is ready to be dispatched to Japan if needed, Xinhua said.
China Offers Support to Japan, Plays Down Quake Impact at Home - Japan Real Time - WSJ
By WSJ Staff
- Lui Siu Wai/Xinhua/Zuma Press
- OFUNATO, March 14, 2011 Members of the Chinese International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) talk upon their arrival at the earthquake hit Ofunato city in Iwate prefecture, Japan, March 14, 2011.
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